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precious instructions for cancer patients

Do you know that research has proven that 40% of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy and almost 100% receiving radiotherapy have oral complications? Some pass at the end of treatment, some last a long time, and some may never go.

Let's check the most common oral complications, which are:

• Acute mucositis

• Infections of the mucous

• Difficulty in eating

• Dry mouth

• Changes in taste

• Bleeding gums

• Pain

• Caries

• Dental hypersensitivity

• Periodontal disease

• Grinding

• Osteonecrosis

• Dehydration

Consider this:

Aggravating factors for the above complications are poor oral hygiene and existing dental problems that have not received the necessary treatment.

First of all, we will check your teeth clinically and radiographically.

Furthermore, we will treat any dental issues that are difficult to solve during antineoplastic therapy, such as gum disease, cavities, or chronic abscesses.

On top of that, we will explain how to take care of your mouth to prevent undesirable oral complications.

Additionally, we will teach you to avoid difficulty opening the mouth by exerting the jaw muscles three times a day.

Here are essential dental health instructions during cancer therapy to prevent/control oral complications:

1. After each meal, gently brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush that you can soften further by rinsing it in hot water

2. Rinse well and dry your toothbrush after every use

3. Avoid mouthwashes that contain alcohol

4. Clean the interdental spaces every day with the help of waxed floss, avoid where it hurts, but insist on the other points

5. Make your mouthwash and use it often during the day (in 1 litter of chamomile or water, add one teaspoon of baking soda and one teaspoon of salt). After use rinse your mouth with lukewarm water

6. Keep ice cubes in your mouth daily for 30 minutes – if continuation is not possible, divide them into three sessions of 10 minutes each.

Take into consideration the following critical points if your mouth hurts:

• Select foods that are easy to chew and swallow are moist and soft, such as milk, ice cream, bananas, ground apple, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, pasta.

• Eat small bites, chew slowly and drink water at the same time during meal

• Soften your food with sauces, broth, yoghurt, milk or other liquids.

• Try to hold ice cubes in your mouth for 30 minutes daily

• Avoid foods with strong or acidic taste (tomatoes), citrus fruits and juices, spicy, salty, hard or dry foods, such as raw vegetables, seeds, toasted, nuts.

• Eat food cold or at room temperature as hot can irritate the existing ulcers.

If you feel your dry mouth:

• Drink lots of water

• Try to hold ice cubes in your mouth for 30 minutes daily

• Chew gum or sugarless candies with citrus flavour, cinnamon, mint or chewing gum with xylitol

• Say no to coffee, tea or foods with spices and sugar

• Use saliva substitutes and special room moisturizers during the night

• Do acupuncture

Last but not least, remember to

take good care of your mouth during the treatment to avoid the interaction or stop of treatment cycle due to adverse and painful dental complications


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